I stayed in Edmonton for 2 weeks whilst undertaking training
at the University of Alberta. We updated protocols and rummaged through field
equipment to find all of the spotting scopes, wind meters, range finders, maps
and 1000 other items for each researcher’s own equipment bin.
On my days off I visited the Royal Alberta Museum. I was
really impressed with the displays, which were combinations of taxidermy
animals submerged in their ‘natural habitats’ and live fish and insects. I
spent a good amount of time trying to find a leaf insect on a small branch. There was a 1 in 10 chance that that
leaf I was looking at was the actual insect which made me all the more
determined to find it. Other than an obnoxious fruit fly, I'm still not
convinced there were anyone in there.
I did however find a soon to be familiar face.
This is a not so lively Ferruginous hawk. Although I'm not the biggest fan of stuffed animals, seeing the
different hawk species all together helped to give me a
perspective on the size of the birds in relation to one another which turned out to be pretty helpful when I got out into the field.
After the museum I took a walk down to the river. It was
still partly frozen over. I sat in the sun and listened to the ice chunks clink
together musically as they drifted downstream.
I also visited the Edmonton Zoo with friends Ashley and
Brad. As anyone who has worked in a zoo would know, there is a lot I could say
about the zoo and it’s enclosures but I’ll keep in short and sweet.
We made it just in time for some seal training and talk from
the interpreter.
Here is Lucy the elephant going out for a walk. She has been made famous over the debate on her being relocated to a sanctuary in a warmer climate where she can be with other elephants.
I also visited the West Edmonton
Mall where my dear friend Beccy works and trains sealions. She was in Limeyland when I was at the mall which is just as well as I forgot my camera.
After the 2 weeks training was
completed the hawk team and I headed to Southern Alberta to start fieldwork!