Wednesday 27 March 2013


My latest adventure starts in Toronto!

I am fortunate enough to have lots of family in Ontario and so my first stop off is with my Grandma in Toronto. At home in West Yorkshire the weather was hinting at getting warmer when I left so at first I was a little disheartened to be arriving into a cool -2°C with lows of -8°C and with snow showers forecast for at least the next week.

One week on and it's 6°C and fairly sunny here in Toronto, at home in England my family are snowed in with over 1 meter high snowdrifts on the only road to civilisation and are having to use a sledge to get bales of hay down the fields to our two highland cows. 

Catching up with the family  in Toronto has been great - I met my new 3 week old cousin Oliver for the first time.

And I got to hang out with Buzz Lightyear! ...aka cousin Robbie or Little R.

My Grandma also took me to the Distillery District. Once a Victorian distillery, the prominent red brick buildings could have you fooled into thinking you had somehow been teleported back to England. The feeling is however short lived as your eye is quickly drawn to the towering apartment buildings in the background. The distillery buildings are now host to a range of art galleries, coffee shops and the type of shops that sell overly priced cards and ornamental soaps. After purchasing some of these cards, Gram and I picked up some exceedingly good Eccles cakes then headed to Balzac's coffee shop to warm up.

Winter in the city doesn't necessarily mean there isn't wildlife about. House sparrows and cardinals are some of the regulars at my Gram's feeder.

As I stood in the bathroom brushing my teeth one morning I stared out of the window only to find I was being stared back at! It turns out my Gram's windowsill is a great spot for squirrel sunbathing.

Next stop Belleville to see more family and to finish getting organised for my new job!!

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